Sunday, March 11, 2012

Workers Compensation ? Entrepreneur, Listen Up! Know the Details

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers Compensation Insurance

If you are planning to start a business, then workers compensation insurance must also be included in your list of priorities. Starting and managing a business involve careful planning. Leaving this important matter aside might lead to complications in the future.

Having your own business is empowering. To see it growing and earning money is the ultimate goal. But running your own business presents certain risks and as an entrepreneur, you have to be ready for it. Also, you have to bear in mind that in order for the business to grow, a good relationship between employer and employee is important.

  • Insurance Benefits
  • Protection on both parties

One of the things that make workers compensation insurance important is the benefits in case something happens at work. If a worker or employee gets injured while doing his or her job, he or she is liable to get compensated by his employer. In short, they are able to get financial help from their (company?s) insurance company. This includes hospital bills like surgery, doctor?s treatment and at times even therapy.

There are exceptions to the rules. If a worker inflicts injuries to themselves on their own volition, then they are not entitled to get workers compensation. There are some workers who ?intentionally? injure themselves just to avail their insurance. This is something that will not be tolerated. But the injury sustained, whether it is by the fault of the employee or not, the company insurance still has to cover it.

The Process on Workers Compensation Case Investigation

A proper investigation must be conducted by the insurance company as soon as possible to determine whether this case is true or not. If the employer finds out that the injuries where self-inflicted, then they have the right to deny any workers compensation financial help. Also, they can impose proper discipline to the employee to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. If the employer or company thinks that the employee is to be terminated, then they have every right to do so.

One more thing, the insurance benefit does not cover any injuries sustained outside the company or while the employee is ?off from work?. In-fighting among employees is also not covered by the system. This means that employees who start a fight within company grounds and gets injured in the process are not liable to receive workers compensation.

The employers, in turn, are protected from being sued by their workers due to injuries sustained from work. Sometimes, the injured employee might feel that the financial assistance that he or she is getting is inadequate. They think that they can get more from their employer by filing a lawsuit against them.

They will only find out, later on that they will not be able to do so. Any lawsuits filed against employers are voided if they are properly abiding all the rules of the workers compensation insurance program.

When can an Employee Sue his Employer??

The only time you are entitled to file a lawsuit against your employer is when he or she is the one that is directly responsible for your injuries. This is a form of abuse and it can be used to file a case against them. Of course, if your company does not have the necessary WC insurance system then you are not protected from being sued by their workers.

Is the Workers Compensation System the Same for Every Country??

The answer is No. Each country has different laws and regulations when it comes to workers compensation insurance. Some do not even adhere to the program and leniency of the law (with corrupt government workers in collusion) let it slide. However, most apply the basics principles. The main difference is the rate of the insurance benefits.

Is Permanent Injury or Death Covered by the Workers Compensation System??

Yes, it is. If an employee is unable to work for life, due to injuries suffered from his work then he is liable for long term compensation. In the case of death while working then the workers compensation benefits will go to the closest living relatives of the employee. Only those who are financially dependent on the employee may avail of this compensation. This is honored if the cause of death is due to the nature of work that the employee does. However, if the death is due to any outside interference or cause, then the case rests with the decision of the employer.

When to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney Dallas??

The exemptions that are stated in the insurance program are well known to personal injury attorneys. It means that if they think that you are entitled to get additional compensation (punitive damages and the likes) then you may file a case against your employer. Since they are well-versed in this workers compensation field, you can be sure that you are doing the right thing. Your employer will not be able to say NO otherwise, they have sufficient proof to protect their claim.

Getting injured due to work-related problems is a sad thing indeed. This is especially true if you are the only working member in your family. If you are the bread winner, getting injured is not an option. But, if it does happen then you have to choose only the best Personal injury attorney to fight for you and your family?s sake.

Some attorney?s do not ask for money up front. There are plenty of personal injury professionals that only ask for payment if they had won the workers compensation case for you. So you must never think twice and consult with them for the best legal action that you can take.

Abuse of Workers Compensation System?

Accidents on work can happen and injuries sustained from these accidents are covered by the insurance system. However, there are times when this system is abused and most employees get away with it. You have to bear in mind that this system is not 100% full proof against fraud claims by workers. Employers must be able to determine whether an employee is abusing

It might sound funny, but workers compensation insurance frauds are very common. There are cases on which the employers themselves are responsible for it. It can even be collaboration between an injured worker and their personal doctor (anyone that is able to support the claim of injury). Because of this, some fraud claims are accepted and workers get benefits ?for not doing anything?.

In most cases, they will tell their employer that they are still suffering from their injuries and unable to return to work. They do this just to get the benefits while not working at all. Punishment for fraudulent claims may include heavy fines b ? ?y the company, probation and even imprisonment. Raising the awareness against fraud workers compensation must considered a top priority.

Honest Work and Honest Benefits?

Being honest and being hard working can take you a long way. Employers value workers that are always on time and are very accurate with their work. These employees are rewarded by getting bonuses and promotions based on their performance. A few years of honest working might even get you a position that you never thought possible.

Also, earning something that you rightfully deserve gives you a feeling of satisfaction. You worked hard for it and you deserved it. Not only does it help the company grow, it will also put you in good terms with your employer. Bear in mind that the workers compensation is there so that employers and employees can work hand in hand to make great things possible.

Because of the diversity and complexity encountered in workers compensation insurance, it is best to consult with an attorney who specializes in this field. A legal counsel can help employers on how to register and provide their employees with the insurance. In case of any problem, your legal counsel will be there to assist you. Workers compensation insurance is an important matter that both employers and employees need to consider having.? With an attorney by your side, you can protect your rights.? If you believe you need an attorney be sure to read our free guide Everything You Need to Know Before Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney or call us at (214) 516-7727.


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