Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Paul Ryan: Need vs Budget? ? Center for Christian Business Ethics

As we consider Romney?s choice for a running mate this past weekend, some interesting questions have been put to the Center?


As we consider Romney?s choice for a running mate this past weekend, some interesting questions have been put to the Center for Christian Business Ethics Today, LLC. regarding the many conversations spinning out of this news. While the topic at hand is political, it raises intriguing questions of concern to business people; questions business owners face all the time. Today we would like to focus on one.

Need vs Budget

Ryan has been criticized for his budget plans, most specifically his approach to Medicare. One side argues the other wants to ?naively keep all the programs that make up the social safety net, delusionally thinking that with some minor tweaks and elimination of waste, fraud, and abuse; all will be well.? The other side has been criticized for ?wanting to prioritize the deficit, reducing it through cutbacks of programs for the poor and the elderly, all the while leaving exorbitant military expenditures in tact, and giving huge tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.?

The question arises: What is a Christian to think? How do we continue to meet needs while being good stewards of what God has given us?

As businesspeople, we struggle with this question every day. We have a passion for serving the needs of our customers and employees. If we simply ignore the budget, we go broke. Is profitability and sustainability the only litmus test? If so, why? If no, what is some helpful criteria?

We would like to hear from you. How do we navigate through this landscape, and what biblical principles can be shared to our community?

Source: http://www.cfcbe.com/2012/08/14/need-vs-budget/

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