When you are in dire need of professional help to get out of IRS tax debt, it is quite likely that you will shop around for the right company that can assist you in tax debt settlement. But how genuine are these companies? Can you really trust them? Well, the answer is yes and no. You can definitely trust them but watch out for few pitfalls and the common promises that these IRS tax debt relief professionals make.
How to identify the right tax debt relief firm?Now that you are already in a financial crunch and want to get out of this mess as soon as possible, every penny you spend matters.
No middlemen pleaseOftentimes, you will come across income tax debt relief companies that will assign the task of helping you to someone who will get kickbacks for assisting you. And in most of the cases, the money for the kickbacks will be extracted from you.
Do you qualify for ITS tax debt relief?Also, few companies may assure you that you will not be required to pay the entire IRS tax debt amount you owe. That is true provided you qualify for that tax debt relief program. There are many types of tax debt settlement plans that are present in the market and unless you are eligible for them, you cannot opt for them. So, find out whether or not you qualify. In this way, even if the IRS tax debt company tries to convince you about something, you will have done your homework already and will not be able to be tricked into wrong convictions.
IRS does seldom write off interests and penaltiesSeldom will you hear about IRS tax debt relief case where the taxpayer has been exempted from paying interests and penalties. So, if your income tax debt relief firm assures you that you will not be required to pay them, know that you are probably being taken for a ride. However, it does not necessarily mean that you will not find a genuine IRS tax debt relief firm. You surely will and the best way is to get feedback from people who have already availed services of one such firm.
Source: http://www.danesdownunder.com/finance/how-to-locate-a-genuine-tax-debt-relief-company/
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